Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fish on Patrol

Ok... I know that last Wednesday, I said I would be posting this that night. I actually had something to post, but when I saw that no one else on the CG Character Challenge had posted anything for the week, I thought I would take an additional week to make this a lot better. I'm glad I did... I really like how this turned out.

The challenge that I did this for was Lurpy Cop Sea Animal Female. I built this fish to be like a officer/patrol car hybrid; with the body painted with the colors of a patrol car (I tried to make the top fin look like red & blue police lights), and topped with a classic bobby hat that holds a starfish badge.

Don't mess with her... she'll jack you up!


Dustin DeWitt said...

i really really like this one. the light reflecting off the water onto her head, like katie said on the other blog about the subtle scales. love the eyes too!

Ryan B said...

Thanks for the kind words. It means a lot.
I had a lot of fun with this one, and I was really happy with the way that it turned out.

BluBoy Comics by Ryan Spencer said...

Great work Ryan. Very FUN! LOL Yeah really think this one is nice. Admire the CG stuff... Never really gave it a shot. But love creating characters.

Ryan B said...

Thanks, Ryan! I love creating characters, too. I've loved it since I was little and first started drawing. Fun stuff!